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- 7:30—8:50am Breakfast
- 8:50am Introductory remarks
- Oral session A — Session Chair Gabi Gagliano
- 9:00—9:15am Jaime Moya and Emilia Morosan, Topological and Anomalous Hall Effects Driven by Correlations in a Square-Net Centrosymmetric Eu-Based Compound
- 9:15—9:30am Weijian Li and Gururaj V. Naik, 2D Charge-Density-Wave Material for Tunable Nanophotonics - 1T-TaS2
- 9:30—9:45am Eduardo Ibarra Garcia Padilla, S. Dasgupta, H. Wei, K. R. A. Hazzard, R. T. Scalettar, S. Taie, and Y. Takahashi, Universal Thermodynamics of an SU(N) Fermi-Hubbard Model
- 9:45—10:00am Soumya Kanungo, J. D. Whalen, Y. Lu, M. Yuan, S. Dasgupta, F. B. Dunning, K. R. A. Hazzard, and T. C. Killian, Realizing Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Topological Edge States in Rydberg-Atom Synthetic Dimensions
- 10:00—10:15am Andrey Baydin, Felix G. G. Hernandez, Martin Rodriguez-Vega, Anderson K. Okazaki, Fuyang Tay, G. Timothy Noe II, Ikufumi Katayama, Jun Takeda, Hiroyuki Nojiri, Paulo H. O. Rappl, Eduardo Abramof, Gregory A. Fiete, and Junichiro Kono, Magnetic Control of Soft Chiral Phonons in PbTe
- 10:15—10:30am Break
- Oral Session B — Session Chair Anvy Kuriakose
- 10:30—10:45am Emily Searles, Sean S. E. Collins, Stephan Link, and Christy F. Landes, Light Capture and Energy Conversion in Plasmonic-Polymeric Hybrids
- 10:45—11:00am Zhihua Cheng and Matthew R. Jones, Assembly of Planer Chiral Enantiomers from Achiral Tetrahedra Nanoparticles
- 11:00—11:15am Bo Wang, Lijie Duan, Kimberly Heck, Jacob Arredondo, Thomas P. Senftle, Paul Westerhoff, and Michael S. Wong, Efficient Photocatalytic PFOA Degradation Over Boron Nitride
- 11:15—11:30am Sakib Hassan, Xuan Zhao, Guillaume Duret, and Jacob T. Robinson, Real-time Detection of Nitric Oxide using Photonic Microring Resonator in Physiological Medium
- 11:30—11:45pm Lin Yuan, Jingyi Zhou, Ming Zhang, John Mark P. Martirez, Xuelan Wen, Hossein Robatjazi, Linan Zhou, Emily A. Carter, Peter Nordlander, and Naomi J. Halas, Synergistic Plasmonic Photocatalysis on Al-Pd-Fe Trimetallic Nanodisks
- 12:00—3:00pm Lunch and Joint UG & Grad Poster Session
- Oral Session C — Session Chair Thao Nguyen
- 3:00—3:15pm Jonathan Minof, Shah Saad Alam, Fabio Anselmi, Yilong Ju, Ankit Patel, and Han Pu, Opening the Black Box: Examining Convolutional Neural Network Approximations of Quantum Spin Systems
- 3:15—3:30pm Fuyang Tay, Jiaming He, Nicolas Marquez Peraca, Xinwei Li, Andrey Baydin, Jianshi Zhou, and Junichiro Kono, Terahertz Magneto-optical Spectroscopy of La0.875Sr0.125MnO3
- 3:30—3:45pm Xinghai Zhang and Matthew S. Foster, Dissipative Hot-Spot Enabled Shock and Bounce Dynamics via Terahertz Quantum Quenches in Helical Edge States
- 3:45—4:00pm Grant Gorman, MacKenzie Warrens, and Thomas Killian, Laser-Induced Fluorescence Imaging of a Magnetically Confined, Spin-Polarized Ultracold Neutral Plasma
- 4:00—4:15pm Visal So, Roman Zhuravel, Madeline Sheffield, Chloe Liebenthal, and Guido Pagano, Toward the Studies of Many-Body Phenomena with a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator
- 4:15—4:30pm Break
- Oral Session D — Session Chair Andrew Torma
- 4:30—4:45pm Aaron Bayles, Shu Tian, Lin Yuan, Yigao Yuan, Jingyi Zhou, Christian Jacobson, Corbin Farr, David Solti, Peter Nordlander, and Naomi Halas, Al@TiO2 Core- Shell Structures for Hot Carrier Photocatalysis
- 4:45—5:00pm Yuefei Huang, Evgeni S. Penev, and Boris I. Yakobson, Electron Transport through Nucleobase-Bonded Graphene Nanoribbon Junctions
- 5:00—5:15pm Michelle Duran-Chaves, I. R. Siqueira, O. S. Dewey, J. De La Garza, C. J. Ginestra, and M. Pasquali, Effective Aspect Ratio, Phase Behavior and Macroscopic Fiber Properties of Polydisperse, Bimodal Carbon Nanotube Solutions
- 5:15—5:30pm Yingru Song and Geoff Wehmeyer, Maximizing and Minimizing the Boundary Scattering Mean Free Path in Diameter-Modulated Coaxial Cylindrical Nanowires
- 5:30—5:45pm Thao Nguyen, Hamid Teimouri, and Anatoly B. Kolomeisky, Single-Cell Stochastic Modeling of the Action of Antimicrobial Peptides on Bacteria
- 6:00pm Award Ceremony and Dinner Cocktail