Overview of


The Smalley-Curl Institute hosts a variety of events throughout the year*. Select a title or tab to learn more about each annual event or series. See scheduled upcoming SCI events at the bottom of the page.

C60 at 40
This event will celebrate the discovery of the Buckminsterfullerene. Speakers from around the world will share presentations on the history and future of carbon nanotechnology, quantum materials, and photonics. Details forthcoming.

SCI Transdisciplinary Symposium
Graduate students in the Applied Physics, Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry, Bioengineering, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Materials Science and NanoEngineering, and Statistics departments are invited to present a 5 or 12 minute talk on their current research.

SCI Summer Colloquium
The Smalley-Curl Institute Summer Research Colloquium began in 1986 as the RQI Colloquium and has been held in August of each year. The purpose of the SCI Summer Research Colloquium is to provide undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers working at Rice with an opportunity to present their most recent work.

Kavli Foundation Workshops
The Kavli Foundation sponsored a a trio of visionary, cross-disciplinary meetings at Rice University that focused on the future of sensing technology. These meetings brought together scientists and engineers from academia, government, and industry to identify the grand challenges that could potentially be met by next-generation sensing technologies and the fundamental scientific capabilities that will be needed to address those challenges.

Postdoctoral Research Fellows Luncheon
SCI hosts periodic luncheons in which all Rice Science & Engineering postdoctoral fellows can participate, get to know each other, and become familiar with each other's work. Rice faculty are also invited to selected luncheons to talk about relevant topics for postdocs.

Upcoming SCI Events