
SCI Transdisciplinary Symposium

The Smalley-Curl Institute (SCI) Annual Transdisciplinary Symposium gives graduate students a forum for delivering oral talks in conference style and complements the larger SCI Summer Research Colloquium held in August.

Graduate students from the SCI affiliated departments across Engineering and Natural Sciences present short talks on their research during this all-day event. In addition, invited faculty also present “keynote” talks on their current research.

The Symposium provides our graduate students with an opportunity to fine-tune their presentations in preparation for professional meetings. The emphasis is on honing oral presentation skills, so that only short talks are given, both in a traditional 12-minute conference style, as well as very short 5-minute “lightning” talks.

Another aspect of this event that emphasizes professional development for graduate students: The SCI Transdisciplinary Symposium is entirely organized by the GSAs so students have an opportunity to exercise their leadership skills.

As with our summer event, prizes are awarded to the best presentations during each session throughout the day (judged by the students in a “people’s choice” style). Prizes are designated as travel awards to be used for attending professional meetings.

We encourage visitors to come and hear the latest exciting results of our multi-disciplinary research community! Programs with the abstracts of the presentations are available prior to the event.

Event Archive

2020 SCI Transdisciplinary Symposium
2019 SCI Transdisciplinary Symposium
2018 SCI Transdisciplinary Symposium
2017 SCI Transdisciplinary Symposium
2016 SCI Transdisciplinary Symposium