
Postdoctoral Research
Fellows Luncheon

SCI hosts periodic luncheons in which all Rice Science & Engineering postdoctoral fellows can participate, get to know each other, and become familiar with each other's work. Two speakers volunteer at each luncheon to provide a short outline of their research activities and projects. Speakers must come from different disciplines and are asked to ensure that they are able to present their research in a manner that can be understood by attendees.

We also invite Rice faculty to selected luncheons to talk about relevant topics for postdocs: how does the hiring process on a faculty position work? How best to prepare for an interview? What should one expect? What positions should one apply for? And so forth.

These lunch meetings are very well received, and their attendance is now settling to approximately 25 participants, with a large turnover (approximately 45 postdocs have attended at least once).

Additionally, we are organizing a career development workshop that will address these and related issues in more detail: establishing leadership in a research group; the changing landscape of research funding; private foundations or donors vs. public funding agencies; grants and grant writing targeted to a given sponsor; making tenure; and many more.

Event Archive

Please see information about previous luncheon events here.