Registration is closed
Location: Martel Hall in Duncan Hall
The Smalley-Curl Institute Summer Research Colloquium began in 1986 as the RQI Colloquium and has been held in August of each year. The purpose of the SCI Summer Research Colloquium is to provide undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers working at Rice with an opportunity to present their most recent work.
Presentations (either talks or posters) are formal, as in professional international conferences. However, the audience, consisting of Rice students and faculty members, as well as R&D representatives from local companies, is informal and friendly, which makes the Colloquium a great occasion for presenters to hone their communications skills.
Keynote Speaker
Randall Hulet
Fayez Sarofim Professor, Physics and Astronomy, Rice University
“Quantum Simulation with Ultracold Atoms”
Strongly correlated electronic materials, a category that includes high-temperature superconductors and quantum magnets, have been at the focus of condensed matter physics for some time. These materials are extremely challenging to model with digital computers since the quantum vector space grows exponentially with the number of electrons. Furthermore, experiments with these materials are challenging to interpret due to the inevitable lattice defects, impurities, and the uncertainty of the screened Coulomb potential.
Quantum simulation may be realized with ultracold atoms replacing the electrons, and by engineering potential landscapes formed from the orderly interference of laser beams. These tools enable quantum simulation in a clean and highly tunable environment. I will describe how this works in two examples using 6Li, a composite fermion: the undoped Hubbard model in three-dimensions (3D) [1]; and spin-charge separation of interacting fermions in 1D [2]. In both cases, we discovered unexpected new physics by comparing our measurements with advanced theory. To observe quantum magnetism in [1] required achieving temperatures as low as 1% of the Fermi temperature, a new record in 3D.
1. R. Hart, P.M. Duarte et al, Nature (2015).
2. R. Senaratne, D. Cavazos-Cavazos et al, Science (2022).
PDF of full program with abstracts
8:00 am Breakfast and registration (Martel Hall)
8:55 am Introductory remarks (McMurtry Auditorium)
Oral session A (McMurtry Auditorium)
Session Chair: Manu Manjappa
9:00 am Gabriella Gagliano “Single-objective tilted light sheet illumination with exchange-PAINT and Deep learning for fast, accurate, and precise 3D Super-resolution imaging in mammalian cells”
9:12 am Jiaming Luo “Topological magnon-phonon hybridization in monolayer antiferromagnets”
9:24 am William Schmid “Scalable solar thermal desalination: challenges and opportunities for light-to-heat conversion and energy recovery”
9:36 am Yigao Yuan “Hydrogen generation with an earth-abundant plasmonic antenna-reactor photocatalyst and light-emitting diode-based illumination"
9:48 am Visal So “Towards the analog quantum simulation of field theories with trapped ions”
10:00 am Weiyin Chen “Flash recycling of Li-ion batteries”
10:30 am Randy Hulet “Quantum simulation with ultracold atoms”
Oral Session B (McMurtry Auditorium)
Session Chair: Gabi Gagliano
11:00 am Shengjie Yu “Electronic transport in carbon nanotube fibers and bundles with ultrahigh conductivity”
11:12 am Tyler Nelson “Construction and validation of a multimodal 3D Single-molecule super-resolution microscope for whole cell imaging”
11:24 am Minghe Lou “Sustainable hydrogen production through plasmonic photocatalysis of Direct H2S decomposition”
11:36 am Jaime Moya “Signatures of real-space and reciprocal space Berry curvature by Hall measurements in the Eu(Ga1-xAlx)4 system”
11:48 am Joshua Chen “Self-rectifying magnetoelectric metamaterials enable remote neural stimulation and restoration of sensory motor functions”
12:00 pm Lunch and Joint UG & Grad Poster Session (Martel Hall)
(1:00 pm – 3:00 pm poster presentations)
Oral Session C (McMurtry Auditorium)
Session Chair: Adam Johnston
3:00 pm Stephen Sanders “Quantum enhanced sensing using lattice resonances supported by metallic nanohole arrays”
3:12 pm Fuyang Tay “Ultrastrong coupling in a three-dimensional photonic-crystal cavity”
3:24 pm Mary Bajomo “Computational chromatography: A machine learning strategy for demixing individual chemical components in complex mixtures”
3:36 pm Dongyu Fan “Structural heterogeneity and pH-dependent collapse behavior of weak polyelectrolyte brushes studied using 3D single molecule tracking”
3:48 pm Tymofii Pieshkov “Structure and composition of 2D interfaces”
4:00 pm Han Yan “Morse defects and fracton physics in spiral spin liquid and soft matter”
Oral Session D (McMurtry Auditorium)
Session Chair: Kunal Lakhanpal
4:30 pm Diego Fallas Padilla “Exploring classical chiral magnetism using a quantum Rabi ring”
4:42 pm Elijah Kritzell “Antiferromagnetic Resonance in NiO in Magnetic Fields up to 25 T”
4:54 pm Kunhua Lei “DNA Wrapping Causes strain in Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes”
5:06 pm Bryant Jerome “Outcoupling Hyperbolic Modes from Aligned Carbon Nanotube Films”
5:18 pm Angela Medvedeva “Predicting antimicrobial activity for untested antimicrobial-peptide-based drugs in antibiotic resistant bacteria”
5:30 pm Hao Zhang “Direct visualization of ultrafast lattice ordering in 2D hybrid perovskites”
Award Ceremony and Dinner Cocktail (Martel Hall)