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Together with four top universities in Taiwan, the Rice Smalley-Curl Institute offers a five-week research internship at Rice University in Houston, Texas to female undergraduates in STEM. This program is ideal for students who are interested in learning more about research, increasing their English language proficiency, and gaining international laboratory work experience alongside graduate students, postdocs, and professors. Ten women are admitted each year and are matched with projects and research groups. 

Other benefits include the opportunity to connect with Rice undergrads in campus activities, take part in language lunches, to take trips to points of interest in Houston, participate in events such as the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, and to meet other international students, such as from Japan. In fact, MACHI is held in conjunction with TOMODACHI-Dow Women's STEM Leadership and Research Program, which brings Japanese women in STEM to Rice. These two groups share lodging and experience a similar program schedule.  

At the conclusion of the MACHI program, the students will gain a clear understanding of how advanced research works in a US setting and of their potential in pursuing advanced degrees. 

Participating Universities are: 

National Taiwan University - English Chinese
National Taiwan Normal University - Chinese
National Chung Hsing University
Feng Chia University