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TOMODACHI-Dow Women's STEM Leadership and Research Program

TOMODACHI Dow 2024Program Overview

TOMODACHI-Dow Women's STEM Leadership and Research Program offers a five-week internship experience tailored to a diverse cohort of 10 female students majoring in STEM in Japan. The primary goal of this program is to further diminish the gender gap in the STEM fields in Japan while advancing educational equity. During the internship, implemented by and hosted at Rice University in Houston, Texas, participants delve into the intricacies of international collaboration and engagement between the U.S. and Japan. They also receive hands-on exposure to scientific research practices in the U.S. and opportunities for career exploration, English language enrichment, cultural engagement, and collaboration with American students.

This program is generously funded by Dow Chemical Japan Limited.


TOMODACHI-Dow Women's STEM Leadership and Research Program は、日本の大学で理工系を専攻する女性の大学生10名を対象とした5週間の研究インターンシッププログラムです。このプログラムの目的は、教育の公平性を推進しながら、日本のSTEM分野における男女格差をさらに縮小することです。プログラムの運営と実行は、テキサス州ヒューストン市のライス大学によって行われ、大学の研究室に属して最先端の研究活動に触れると同時に、アメリカの高等教育システムを体験し、米国人学生との交流活動を通して言語や文化を学ぶ機会を提供します。


TOMODACHI Image 2024


“In Japan, there are not so many opportunities to meet female students in different fields. Through this program, I met nine Japanese students studying STEM and we spent five weeks together. I was impressed that everyone really loved their own fields and was passionate about their studies. At the same time, they were very respectful for other’s research. I was inspired by all of the other participants to study more, not only about my own field but about other academic fields. I really appreciated the nine best friends who joined together, my host professor and lab members, the program sponsors, and everyone providing me such an wonderful chance to study abroad.” - Ayaka Kasamatsu, 2019 Participant

“The meaning of the TOMODACHI STEM @ Rice University program to me is the great opportunity to interact with a lot of female STEM researchers and to learn about the differences in education and jobs between Japan and the U.S. It is said that the rate of female researchers in Japan is the smallest in the all developed countries. In particular, the rate of female researchers in physics is much smaller than other fields such as biology, chemistry and data science. Through this program, I could meet a lot of female researchers and female STEM students. I could interview them and learn about their attitudes and ways of thinking as a woman in STEM. I would not be able to have such a wonderful opportunity in Japan.” - Yurina Nakazato, 2019 Participant

“Thanks to TOMODACHI STEM program, my motivation was improved. After going back to Japan, I started to join laboratory tours in some universities to know more about their research topics and discover which topic I am most interested in. I am surprised to find myself more active and positive than before joining this program… I may not find have found this significant key for my future goals if I had not participated in this program. I really appreciate this program and people who supported us. I believe future participants will also find something which helps them reach their future goals through this program.” - Haruka Sumi, 2019 Participant

About the TOMODACHI Initiative

The TOMODACHI Initiative is a public-private partnership between the U.S.-Japan Council and the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, with support from the Government of Japan. Born out of support for Japan’s recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake, TOMODACHI invests in the next generation of Japanese and American leaders through educational and cultural exchanges as well as leadership programs. The initiative seeks to foster a “TOMODACHI Generation” of young American and Japanese leaders who are committed to and engaged in strengthening U.S.-Japan relations, appreciate each other’s countries and cultures, and possess the global skills and mindsets needed to contribute to and thrive in a more cooperative, prosperous, and secure world. Visit us at www.tomodachi.org


